Welcome to visit Lifedream smooth collies!

This website is a short english introduction of my dogs and breedingwork. We are a small kennel from southern Finland aiming for healthy and functional collie. To me, life with company of dogs has always been a interesting opportunity to follow another specie closely. My passion in life is ethology, study of animal behaviour. I was an active breeder during years 2004-2014. I currently have four smooth collies living at home so maybe someday we will see little lifedreams again! I am training my dogs mainly for agility, obedience, herding, searching and dogshows.

Etsitkö tietoa suomeksi? Katso suomenkielinen laaja sivusto ja blogini.

(Background image (C) Linda Toivonen photography)

Smooth in action


fb_img_1554922290546As a breeder, it is really important for me to aim comprehensive breeding maintaining mental and physical properties typical for the breed. I am aiming for small scale smooth collie breeding for healthy and functional collie. One of the most important values of mine is that I would like to know first hand the dogs used in my breeding program and their background.

Things I am most interested are how the dog is adopting new things, its activity and concentration level, ability and willingness to work for the owner, way to play and several everyday life problems like sensitivity to noises or allergies. I also want my bitches to be able to give birth in a familiar place where they feel like home. For this reason I try to keep the number of dogs placed with breeding terms moderate. I do not frequently have litters.

See more about my breedingwork from smooth collie database.

At this time, I do not have any puppyplans.


Smooth collie is a versatile breed for dogsport. My goal is to breed healthy and working dogs with the natural capacity to concentrate on the task. To me, the smooth-haired collie is far more than just a pretty face and its working features should be maintained for future generations. Therefore, the characteristics of dogs should be measured in various dogsports and tests to provide information about their abilities.

See more about my litters.